Friday, December 21, 2007

Bookmarkers and they say bad things happens in 3s

Here are a few of the African magnet book markers I made for stocking stuffers. I used Angelina fibers, heated, and than cut alphabets to the person's first name..Sewed them on the side of the book marker will be in the book. These are not ones for the the top of the book but for the side of the book to keep your place with the sentences or paragraph you left off reading. So the opening is facing the towards the left. I place a stamp on the inside where, when remove, you will see it. I hope they like them...something different any way.
Well, yesterday my double door refrigerator went. It is not getting cold at all. The other day my 5 cd player went and Sat morning the awning fell down..well, hoping this is all that will happened before Christmas..they say it comes in threes..all in less in 5 days. We did buy a new stereo when we did our Christmas shopping on Wednesday night..
The insurance will pay for a construction company to fix the roof area but not to put up our awning, they will give us money for the awning and we have to buy it and put it up..I do not understand this as it was attached to the house, reason for damages..
The refrigerator will have to wait, as I like the ice and water dispenser in the front of the door, glad we a small fridge in the kiln room so that is our back up for now..bad thing is it does have an ice maker so ice has to be made.. I won't..I do not use ice in anything I if dh wants ice he can make it for himself..this is the dark ages for We will get one after the holidays.
My new glasses did not come in as the people who makes them took time off for Christmas, 3 I will not see them till late next what else can go wrong..if it will, it will.

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