We learn how to download from the website this weekend. I had so much trouble. This is all that I had accomplished only to find out why even after I had unzip the files. Redid the embroidery machine hoop and all, it was my Wizard that was stopping me. Wished I had told
dh that it stops me from downloaded a few things from the web. So about 10pm I finally got to do this flamingo for my sister who collects them. It was a freebie and will post where as I can not
remember now.
This little are quilt is not done. I still need to some
Angelina fibers, some beads,
FM, add borders, and
maybe a binding and than quilt it.
After my Dr.'s
appt. on Tuesday I will play with it again.
I'll be following you with great intreset - those machines are fascinating and intimidating. Love the flamingo!
Thank you Su bee, I love doing it now that I know what to do. lol hugs, Lorraine
Love it-and would love the flamingo download if you remember where it is>> PP
Hi demin doll,
I happen across where I got this flamingo download tonight. Of course when I went searching for it yesterday, I could not find it. Here is the url:
It is a great desgin. Thank you and hugs, Lorraine
Stick with that embroidery. It's worth the trouble!
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